How to best prepare scented geraniums for bouquets and design work

If Scented Geraniums are grown in a greenhouse or heated tunnel, stems will grow long and succulent.  In our heated houses (45° F in winter), we would have lots of cutting material all season long.  Stems will wilt if cut and simply put in water, and then into the cooler.  After many trials, and help from Dave Dowling (Ball Seed Cut Flowers), the best way to prepare stems are cut then use FloraLife Quick Dip 100, then put into water treated with Chrysal Professional 1 Hydrating Solution, and leave out of the cooler overnight.  If you are not going to use the stems within a couple days, then transfer them into clean water.

If Scented Geraniums are grown outside, as you know, stems will be much shorter and sturdier.  We would cut stems into water that had been treated with a Chrysal CVBN tablet and Chrysal Professional 2 Holding Solution.  We would leave the geraniums out in the studio over night before putting into the cooler.

If Scented Geraniums are grown in an unheated tunnel, treat the same as if they are grown in heat. Stems will come on faster and longer than those grown outside, but not quite as succulent as if grown in protection all year long.

If you are growing Certified Organic, please contact Jeanie for the best methods.

How they come to you:
Our plants are grown in 50 cell propagation trays.  Each plant has a 2”x2” root mass.  They are sold in groups of 5, minimum order is 5 plants.  Mixes normally contain 95% long stemmed varieties, 5% of the small leaved varieties.  If you want your mix to have more of the small leaf types, please contact me.  Our 4″ pots can be potted up into a decorative 6″ or 8″ pot for your custoners to enjoy in a sunny window year ’round! 


Geraniums will be shipped when there is no danger of freezing. Depending on your growing zone, we can ship whenever you are ready. Scented Geraniums are generally hardy in zone 8-10.

To schedule pick-ups, or request a different shipping time, please contact Jeanie.

Brightflower Barn
212 S Stockton Rd.
Stockton, IL 61085
Open only by appointment.